Wound Care

Before moving on to wound care I would like to introduce you to wounds.

What is a wound: it is the breakdown of the skin barrier that protects our body from outer hurt. It injures the body and interrupts continuous protection in daily life or say damages of connection of all parts of tissue including skin, mucous, and internal organs.


How does a wound happen: it’s caused by accidents falls, hits, burns, and weapons. It could be a minor to serious injury, it can be outdoor or indoor and it also can happen during surgery, and suture, every year a million people injure themselves in the USA. For example, someone is driving a car but suddenly he has an accident and breaks his skin tissues or during an operation cuts tissue and bleeding.


Wound types and explain: contusion: if there is an insult to a tissue then the capillaries can be disrupted and can be burst and red blood cells will leak out of the capillaries into the tissues.

Abrasion: means a scrape or a gaze its sparely superficial loss of tissue

Avulsion: An injury is one with tissue loss and it’s like gouging, and you lose like chunk of tissue

Laceration: where the skin splits apart as a result of blunt trauma

Incise wound: if something is cut with a knife or anything sharp

Puncture: where there is fine penetration of the tissue

Strains: caused by straining forces in muscle fascia

Sprains: if sprains fibers damage


Wound healing: repair of damaged tissue or replacement of broken skin tissue by new tissue produced. Easy word just healing of injured tissue. The uninjured skin the epidermis and the dermis make new tissue against the outer environment.

Wound care:  means taking care of the wound for healing as soon as possible. All kinds of management like diagnosis, dressing changes, assessment, and cleaning involve wound care.

There are five main types of wound management:

  1. Properly diagnose and fix the area
  2. nicely cleaning
  3. changethedressingontime
  4. Appropriate dressing choice
  5. proper medicine prescribe


Why wound care is so important: if properly does not take care of the wound and it,s open then there are many viruses, bacteria, fungi, and foreign can contact with the injured parts which may cause a big infection, necrosis, and even loss of patient organs, sometimes death could happen. Proper care of wounds helps heal and protect against infection. Enhance quality of life.


What will happen if treated left: if the wound treats left it could spread into other parts of the body and can get involved in blood capillaries and can carry into blood circulation and throughout the body. So if there is any big, medium, or small wound everybody should take care of it immediately.


Basic steps of taking care of wound: clean your hands with soap and clean water

Dry it properly take out all the ornaments and check if there is any blood then with iodine sterilization your wound area rapidly 3 times until 10-15cm then cover it with a waterproof bandage.

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