What is Hypertension, Causes, symptom, treatment

Hypertension means high blood pressure. During the pump of the heart, if blood flow puts high resistance against the artery wall, that is called Hypertension. Usually> 140/90mmHg is called hypertension and the normal blood pressure range is < 120/80mmHg. Over a billion people have hypertension. Typically, it is represented by 2 numbers, like 110/70mmhg. 110mmHg is systolic pressure during heart contraction and 70mmHg is diastolic pressure during relaxing heart. Most of the time, blood is taken in the brachial artery in the upper arm. Hypertension is considered a silent killer. Because of this sometimes patients think there is no blood pressure in their body and over time it leads to severe complications in the body.


What is normal blood pressure: During the pump of the heart when blood is forced against the surface area called blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is <120/80mmHg. 120mmHg is systolic blood pressure and 80mmHg is diastolic blood pressure.


The standard range of blood pressure measurement

Normal 120/80mmHg
Pre-Hypertension 120-129/80-89mmHg
Stage 1 130-139/90-99mmHg
Stage 2 > 140/100mmHg


Causes of Hypertension: there are some specific reasons for the development of hypertension, but for 90% of essential hypertension there is no certain reason. Over time, pressure against the artery wall increases, and hypertension silently develops. However, there are some risk factors doctors identified.


Some risk factors for developing primary hypertension: – Old age

– Obesity

– Salt-heavy diet

– Lazy lifestyle

But there are some causes of leading secondary hypertension: for example, if there is anything that decreases the blood flow of the kidney for example: – kidney disease

– Atherosclerosis

– Renal artery dissection

– Vasculitis

– Neuromuscular dysplasia


What are the Symptoms of Hypertension


Headache: this is a very common symptom in hypertension patients. Normally, headache is seen in the morning. It can be mild to severe, so routine activity can be hampered by headaches. So, if you have a headache, you need to measurement of your blood pressure.


Dizziness: because of dizziness, the patient feels everything is moving around him. Normally this comes on the patient in the morning or the evening. Sometimes it comes along with a headache. This is also a very common symptom.

The blurring of vision: this is also a very common symptom of high blood pressure. Because of hypertension, the blood vessels of the eyes can be damaged and can cause hypotensive retinopathy, and optical neuropathy can occur. Because of this, patient sightseer power can be less. So, everybody has to regularly measure blood pressure.


Fatigue: because of high blood pressure the heart pump gets hampered of normal function so the blood supply in the body gets less, and also lung function gets compromised, so the lung cannot supply proper oxygen to tissue. Another is the damage to the numerology system.


Chest pain: is a kind of important symptom that never should be ignored by the patient. Due to high blood pressure, the blood supply of the heart gets compromised and the coronary artery cannot properly oxygen supply to the heart. So, because of this, sometimes heart attacks and myocardial infarction happen. This chest pain spread over the neck, shoulder, and back too. That’s why if someone has chest pain, he must go to the doctor and check his blood pressure.


Nasal bleed: there are so many blood vessels around in nasal so when getting high blood pressure, the vessel around the nasal is damaged, and often occur nasal bleed.

Shortness of breath: due to hypertension lungs and heart functions get compressed and because of their damage some severe diseases occur like heart attack, myocardial infarction, and lung edema (deposit of fluid in lungs) so because of them patients feel shortness of breath.


Blood in urine: this is a very rare symptom. Because of the high flow of blood in the kidney, the artery gets damaged, and some diseases in the kidney like nephropathy, hypotensive, and coronary kidney disease. Blood in urine can also be for other reasons like stones and infection in the urine tract. Also, some other symptoms like confusion, loss of sleep, nervousness, weakness, palpitation, flushing, sweating, etc.


What is the pathophysiology of hypertension: Due to etiology factors – changes in our arterial bed and increased systemic vascular resistance, vessels become narrow, and our heart rate increases. When heart rate increases our cardiac output also increases then increase our blood pressure. With the narrowing of blood vessels, the blood flow will be decreased to organs, for example, the most effect will be on the kidney and the kidney will release renin-angiotensin 2 – which will increase Na & water intake in blood and will increase blood pressure.


Treatment: Blood pressure treatment depends on what kind of hypertension patients have. For example, if a patient has primary hypertension then the doctor suggests changing lifestyle as weight loss, need to do exercise regularly, reducing sodium intake, eating more vegetables and fiber, give up smoking and alcohol if these small things, primary hypertension can be controlled automatically if still does not control the blood pressure by following these indications then need to take some medication like beta-blockers, calcium challenge blockers, alpha-blockers, etc.


Secondary hypertension treatment is different because in secondary hypertension the organ is involved in why blood increases, so in secondary hypertension treatment the specific organ has been targeted for treatment so that blood pressure automatically gets better. For example, some medicines like vasodilators, diuretics, alpha-beta blockers, centrally acting agents, ace inhibitors, renin inhibitors, etc.


Hope this topic will help you understand hypertension, its cause, and basic treatment. For more information, please visit our website: www.llkmedical.com and call us +86 755 27210553. We are a trustable Lifolinker Company in Shenzhen, China, manufacturing different types of unique blood pressure monitors with multiple features. We are using our own 100% design and technology. Furthermore, we have distributors in more than 120+ countries. Our concern is to help people diagnose accurate blood pressure and reduce the risk for blood pressure-related disease so that patient life expectancy can be longer, and they can be aware of blood pressure and its risk.


What Blood pressure monitor Lifolinker is manufacturing:

  • Clinical Automatic Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor WBP-02A
  • Automatic blood pressure monitor DBP-01P
  • Automatic blood pressure monitor DBP-20
  • Multiparameter patient monitor.
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